
Wine for All.All for Wine

酒堡國際於1994年成立並以進口法國級數酒為主,在短短數年內成為台灣第一大專業波爾多紅酒進口商。並與法國各酒莊及全球葡萄酒酒商建立了穩固而持久的關係,同時也受到國內各酒類通路商的高度信任。2006年為了開拓市場需求; 另開闢兩條主要產品線:加州膜拜酒、澳洲頂級紅酒系列,並受到國際間多家明星酒莊信賴,成為多家優質品牌的台灣獨家代理商以及台灣新世界葡萄酒品牌的翹楚。

Chateau Wine & Spirit was founded in 1994, primarily imported the fine wines of France, and being the first major of Bordeaux wine importer in Taiwan. We have established the solid and long-lasting relationships with French Chateau & Domaine, and worldwide wine merchants as well as have built up a high reputation for both on-trade and off-trade. We expanded two new product lines of California Cult Wines and Australia Fine Wines in 2006 in order to develop the demand of Taiwanese wine market, meantime, have also built the credit with the high-end wineries we work with, then to be the exclusive of these high-end brands and a leader of new world wine brand in Taiwan.