Bass Phillip


澳洲 / Gippsland 吉普斯蘭


澳洲知名酒莊Bass Phillip命名取自於George Bass及海軍上將 Arthur Phillip。喬治 · George Bass為知名探險家,探索澳洲東部海岸並證實Tasmania是個島嶼,介於澳洲本島及Tasmania的巴斯海峽(Bass Strait)即為紀念George Bass。英國海軍上將Arthur Phillip則為英國創建殖民地於澳洲新南威爾斯(new south wales)的雪梨。釀酒師Phillip Jones為紀念這兩位拓荒者的精神、遠見及領導能力,便取自雙方的姓氏將酒莊命名為巴斯·飛利浦酒莊。酒莊成立於1979年位在澳洲的東南風的一個小角,致力於釀造高品質的黑皮諾及夏多內。對於大自然的尊重及在釀酒上採取決不妥協的態度,奠定了如今Bass Phillip的地位,除了極富盛名外更為酒界人士讚譽為澳洲黑皮諾的宗師。自1993年起即使用有機栽種方式,2002年起更採用自然動力法,所有的釀酒過程皆參考宇宙的律動以賦予酒款更多的能量及活力。
採取簡單的傳統釀造方式,低產量的葡萄園,不灌溉及最少的人為干預,Bass Phillip所生產的酒款展現出的風采皆忠實的呈現出當地的產區及各個不同的葡萄園的特性。深富礦物質的土壤,天然的高濕度,South Gippsland的涼爽氣溫更是如魔術般賦予酒款絕佳的尾韻、複雜度、風味、均衡的酸度及天然的礦物質。融合Phillip Jones用心於葡萄園和酒莊的每一個細節,對於頂級酒款永不滿足的熱誠,使得Bass Phillip能成功的陸續生產非凡的酒款。
最新年份所生產的黑皮諾酒款,可號稱為Bass Phillip的最佳年份。採用更老的葡萄藤,更精進的釀酒技術及延續永續耕作/釀酒法在葡萄園及酒莊裡。

Bass Phillip - aptly named after George Bass and Admiral Arthur Phillip – men of great pioneering spirit, foresight and leadership. That spirit lives on and is embodied in the founder and winemaker Phillip Jones who first established the winery in the southeastern corner of Australia in 1979, specialising in high-quality pinot noir and chardonnay wines.
Winemaking at Bass Phillip is uncompromising and driven by the respect for nature. The vineyards are organic since 1993 and biodynamic since 2002. All wine production process at Bass Phillip is guided by the cosmic rhythms that impart energy and vibrancy into the wines.
Made in a simple and traditional manner, with low-cropped vineyards, no irrigation and minimal intervention in the winery, the wines of Bass Phillip display flavours which are characteristic of the region and their individual vineyards. Deep mineral-rich soils, natural high humidity, and cooler temperatures in South Gippsland is also part of the magic that delivers the length, complexity, flavors, balanced acidity, and natural minerality to Bass Phillip wines. Combined with Phillip Jones’s undivided attention to detail in the vineyards and winery, and an insatiable passion for quality wine experiences, Bass Phillip produces extraordinary wines one vintage after another.
The most recent vintages of Bass Phillip pinot noir are the best we have produced. We put this down to older vines, more experience in winemaking, and continued sustainable practices in both the vineyards and winery.
